Having a knowledge of what colors are in trend is very important.  Imagine how colors change the entire look of a person and how attractive a person starts to look when you find him/her in the latest fashion trends?

It's not a compulsion to buy all the new fashion colors that comes into the pictures.  What we basically need to do is open our minds a little and adjust in the existing wardrobe where you will end up finding almost everything that you need to look updated with the on going trends.

The pants I am flattering in my pictures is particularly 3 years old and it fits perfectly in this season,  flarred bottoms and pop color.  I paired it with a stripped tank top and a loose denim shirt.

I am sure you will also be having something neon in your wardrobe.  Why not we just experiment a little with our existing collection and come up with something new?

Feel free to get in touch with me (via mail, direct message on Instagram  or just leaving a comment here) for any styling help,  suggestions and feedback.

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